Sunday, January 15, 2023

Single Leg Delivery is Safer and More Efficient for Pick Up Sellers

Hello widy shop!


We would like to inform you that your store's delivery system will transition from Multi-Leg to Single Leg Delivery, which will be effective date = 2023-01-16


What is Single Leg Delivery?

Parcels will be picked up and delivered by the same logistics provider.


IMPORTANT! With Single Leg Delivery, you should be prepared to hand over your parcels to be picked up by couriers from multiple logistics providers.


Pay attention to the following points before handing over your parcels to a courier:

  1. Sellers are encouraged to sort their parcels according to their respective logistics providers beforehand, to avoid the mixing up of parcels or wrong handover.
  2. Sellers should also pay close attention to the AWB/shipping label of their parcels, specifically the top left corner where it says "Diserahkan Ke" to ensure that:
    1. Parcels are picked up by the correct logistics provider
    2. Parcels are under the correct delivery system (Single Leg/Multi-Leg Delivery)


Benefits of Single Leg Delivery

  1. The delivery process is more efficient because parcels are picked up and delivered by the same logistics provider.
  2. The risk of lost or damaged parcels in the Sortation Center decreases, because parcels will not have to be sorted multiple times, as they are processed by one logistics provider.
  3. Parcels are easily traceable as there is only one handover process, that is from the seller to the courier.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Partner Support Center (PSC) or your respective Lazada PICs.


Thank You and Happy Selling!

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